Kourtney Stark
Kourtney Stark
  • Height:
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Bexley, Ohio
  • High School:
    Saddlebrook Prep
  • Major:


As a Junior: Won 10 singles matches and nine doubles matches...Won first match of the season against Embry-Riddle(2/6) and won eight straight matches spanning from Mar. 3 to Mar. 24...Won three straight doubles matches from Mar. 3 to Mar. 19.

As a Sophomore: Won first match against Bates (2/21)…Won five consecutive matches (3/5-3/29)…Won first doubles match against Bates…Won two consecutive doubles matches, defeating Bates and Palm Beach Atlantic.

Personal: Member of the National Honor Society…Daughter of John and Luanne Stark… Communications major and sociology minor…Birthdate: 11/16/87.

Favorites: Food: Pizza, Movie: What About Bob?, TV Show: House, Athlete: Patrick Rafter, Sports Team: OSU Buckeyes Football.