Pre-Participation Paperwork
Pre-Participation Paperwork Guidelines
- ALL paperwork is DUE no later than the first Monday in August.
- If you are UNDER 18 at the time of submitting your paperwork, all documents must be co-signed by your parent or legal guardian.
- Log on to the Medicat Student Health Portal at the following link:
- Log on to the Student Health Portal with your Spartan Domain ID and password
- If you do not know your ID/password or are locked out contact the UT IT helpdesk at or 813-253-6293.
- After successfully logging onto the Student Health Portal select the “Forms” tab.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page to the “Downloadable Forms” Section.
- Watch the concussion video
- After selecting the “FORMS” tab you should see this screen
- Complete all forms in the “Sports Medicine Student-Athlete Only” box
- Next, locate the “DOWNLOADABLE” section at the bottom of the “Forms” page.
- Download the “Student-Athlete Physical” form if you are obtaining a physical from a physician while at home over the summer.
- PHYSICALS: Similar to previous years, we urge you to obtain your general medical physical at home prior to coming to campus. This will greatly cut down on your wait time when we perform our orthopedic physicals once you arrive to campus in the fall.
- Under the “UPLOAD” tab:
- Upload a copy of the front and back of your health insurance card
- If you are using the University of Tampa health insurance policy as your primary policy please indicate this with a secure message from the student health portal addressed to either Scott Brickett, Heather VanOpdorp, Junita Payne, Rob Boutote, Alejandro Arenas or David Green.
- Upload a copy of the “Student-Athlete Physical” form if you obtained a physical while at home over the summer.
- If you are UNDER 18 at the time of submitting your paperwork, please also include a completed ‘acknowledgement of minor’ document signed by both you and your parent/ legal guardian and uploaded back into the portal.
- Checklist of completed tasks:
- Watch NCAA Concussion Video
- Fill out and submit
- NCAA Concussion Video Acknowledgment
- Student-Athlete 1st year Sickle Cell Trait (First year and transfer students only)
- Agreement to Disclose Injury
- Drug Screen Guidelines
- Insurance Letter and Form
- Medical History
- NCAA HIPAA Consent Form
- Treatment Consent Form
- Upload a copy of the front and back of your insurance card.
- Upload your “Student-Athlete Physical” form.
If there are any issues please contact a member of the Sports Medicine Department at (813) 253-6264.